Monday, April 25, 2011

Karen's Creations Memories Journal Giveaway - CLOSED

Ever since our trip to Asheville my mom and I have started the tradition of creating travel journals on all of our adventures.  I was home this weekend looking through her latest journal when the idea hit me!  Why not share one of her handmade journals with you through a giveaway from her Etsy Shop!!  I am so excited about this giveaway - these journals are so cute and have tons of pockets, tags, and spaces for documenting your travels or would work well as a daily journal or a themed scrapbook as well! 

Win a 4x6 Vintage Inspired Memories Journal.  A value of $30. (pictured above) - and I'll throw in some goodies from my shop as well!

Required Entry: Check out Karen's Creations Etsy Shop and come back and leave me a comment telling me what you would use this journal for. (1 entry)

Additional Entries:
  • Become a fan of Karen's facebook page - Karen's Creations (1 entry)
  • Follow Bursts of Creativity blog, current or new (1 entry)
  • 1 entry for each of the following you to do to spread the word about this giveaway - tweet, blog, or facebook status (feel free to copy and paste a link)
** Leave a separate comment for EACH entry and your email address in one of the comments unless it is linked to your account. **

** Open to USA residents only **

Giveaway ends at 11:59 PM EST Thursday April 28, 2011. Winner will be announced on Friday!
 Giveaway is now closed



Kaddyshack said...

I have just started getting into crafting and need a journal to keep track of what I've done, the materials used, how it turned out, difficulty, etc. What could be more perfect for this than a handcrafted journal?

Kaddyshack said...

And I just became a fan of your Facebook page.

Kaddyshack said...

I am already a follower of the Bursts of Creativity blog.

Boni said...

My sister and I are driving from Georgia to Iowa together to have a scrapbookers weekend with some of our cousins. We're each bringing old family pictures that we can scan and share. It should be great fun and what better way to document the trip and the weekend than in this beautiful little Journal. While I was at your mom's site I couldn't help but look around and spotted a couple more Journals that I loved. She is very talented.

Anonymous said...

My friend, Robyn, and I have a big trip planned at the end of August, and this would be perfect for note-taking, ephemeral gathering, and doodling. We always keep journals and "smashbooks," and one of the best parts is recording the funniest things each of us says! (Will post a link to your giveaway on Lefty Productions on Facebook.)

Jessica Rodarte said...

Karen has a great shop! I am going to visit her blog after I leave my comment here. :) I would probably use the journal for a trip my husband and I are planning to Texas soon. It's perfect. :D
Thank you for the opportunity!

Jessica Rodarte said...

I've been a follower of your blog. :)

Lyndee @ A Recovering Craft Hoarder said...

I headed over to her Etsy shop. WOW! My husband and I have committed to travel more. Not the big expensive trips, but more to check out everything that's within 6 hours of our home. I'd love to journal our travels!

Lyndee @ A Recovering Craft Hoarder said...

I'm already a fan of Bursts of Creativity.

Anonymous said...

I would use this journal for my college adventures! :)


Anonymous said...

Follower of your blog via GFC :)


Anonymous said...

Tweeted this giveaway:!/Ash_Creations/status/62559780849459200


Anonymous said...

Posted on Facebook:!/permalink.php?story_fbid=141774989229084&id=163664496987155


Anonymous said...



Ei8ht Beach Street said...

Last month I flew to Texas to visit my daughter and looks like I'll be flying to Korea to visit my son. This journal would be absolutely perfect.

TheLastOfNine said...

Checked out her shop and it has great journals, so many to choose from. There is always use for a journal, this travel one would be great for a trip we have planned with my in-laws this summer.

TheLastOfNine said...

I'm a happy follower, you have such great ideas. Now I see you get it from your mom.

Lina Thomlinson said...

Great shop! I'd definitely use the journal to keep track of travel ideas and dreams.

Mindy said...

It's perfect for a travel journal! I love the map cover.

Lina Thomlinson said...

I already follow Bursts of Creativity.

Mindy said...

I'm a follwer of Burts of Creativity. :)

Shooting Stars Mag said...

What a cute giveaway. I really like the Vintage Inspired Hawaiian Travel Journal

lauren51990 AT aol DOT com

Shooting Stars Mag said...

i follow via gfc

lauren51990 at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

My teenage daughter and I are headed to Myrtle Beach in a couple months. This sweet journal would be a great way to document our time together (and a perfect keepsake for me to give to her when the trip is over).

Love all the journals on the Etsy shop!! Beautiful!!!

Katey said...

I follow your blog!

Katey said...

I am also a fan on facebook!

Debbie said...

I looked at all the journals in your mom's Etsy shop. Wow - very talented lady!

I've been thinking of a daily-ish journal. Since I am now in the over 50 crowd (;P) as of Easter Sunday, it seems like if I'm going to start one I better get on the ball!

Unknown said...

Totally loving her journals! So cute and easy to use!

Unknown said...

I'm a Facebook Lover! :)

Unknown said...

I follow Bursts of Creativity's blog!

Unknown said...

Check out my tweet:!/liveteachcreate/status/62702865701015553

Connie | Daydream In Color said...

I love the Old World vintage travel inspired journal in your shop too! The flower mini journals are so sweet too!

Connie | Daydream In Color said...

Just liked you on FB!

Breaking Free From Old Ways said...

I would use this journal for my wishlist of what I would like my house to look like and things that I would like to have to decorate my house. That way when someone asks what I want for a gift I will have it all in my journal.


Breaking Free From Old Ways said...

I like your fb page


Breaking Free From Old Ways said...

I follow you via gfc


Julie Ann said...

Wow what beautiful albums you have in your etsy. I would use this when we go to Mexico for my cousins wedding it would be wonderful.

Marly said...

Oh very cute! Great work Ladies! I would totally use this for our summer adventures this year. Last year we headed to Manitoulin Island in Ontario Canada and it was the most amazing time... were not 100% sure yet where this years ventures will bring us :D great give away i would be honored to use such a gorgeous journal :D

Magenta said...

These are cute and unique, If I won I would make a special album for my Dad who loves to travel, and traveled around the world when he spent 30 years in the Navy reserve

ArtfullyJune said...

I follow your blog for all the great ideas!

Bhavana Patel said...

Just became a facebook follower, but I would like to use mine for the travels I had with my mum before she passed away!! To be able to put in photos's, postcards, and tickets would be great!!! they are all wonderful!!

Anonymous said...

I'd use the journal for all the little day trips we take over the next few months.
But I'm totally getting your Mommer's Hula Girl journal just for my own stuff-and-junk!


Lynda said...

Love the Fashion Diva would be the perfect grad gift for my niece....entering journal her

Christy said...

It was difficult for me to choose a favorite, I like all of them. I like journals and things like this to give as gifts to new mom's, old mom's and even my children. When it's for my children I will fill them with things they have done over the year and give it to them on their birthday. These are far cuter than anything I could do on my own. Well done! :)

Lynda said...

Love this journal. We'll be taking a trip out west this fall and this would be the perfect journal to take with me to document the journey. Love your shop!

Mamatha said...

I would use this journal for my thoughts on being new mom...

Mamatha said...

I already follow you.

Donna K said...

I'm a follower of Bursts of Creativity and a fan of Karen's journals. I'd use this for a trip we are planning this summer on the motorcycle. I love them all. They are just beautiful.

Manhattan Mandie said...

Wow! That is a GREAT journal!!! I need a good travel journal!

Manhattan Mandie said...

I'm a new follower too!

Manhattan Mandie said...

Shared on Facebook too:

susie lavender said...

I am a facebook follower.

susie lavender said...

I follow you on my google account.

susie lavender said...

I posted a note about your give away on facebook.

susie lavender said...

I would use this journal to document my daughter's travels through her Senior year of high school. So many adventures ahead of her. (This goes with the previous mamasaurus. rex comments where I forgot to say what I would use the journal for.

aichaku-愛着 said...

i'm thinking i'll use this for a daily journal. :D

aichaku-愛着 said...

i liked her fb! wonderful stuff going on there. :D

Katie Scott Scrapbooking said...

cute album - i would love to scrapbook our summer vacation :)

debby said...

fantastic journals, each so special! I would use for travel journaling & one could also be a great way of keeping crafting ideas.