Monday, July 18, 2011

Etsy 500th Sale - Giveaway!

I have been itching to do a giveaway - and have been looking for an excuse to do one.  I thought i would wait until I reached 1000 followers - but that wasn't looking like it was going to happen soon enough -so then I thought Aha! I will do when when I reach 500 sales in my etsy shop!  And last week I reached that milestone!

I opened my little etsy shop in the beginning of February this year and have been lucky to see it grow so fast. The shop reflects my love of all things vintage paper and I have been having a blast seeking out special finds and creating kits to sell in the shop.  I am grateful to have people out there willing to support me - so to thank my customers and my loyal blog readers I am doing a giveaway!  So what do you have a chance to win?

Win a custom ephemera kit created by me!  Kit will be worth at least $25 and will include at least 50 pieces.  You get to choose the theme of the kit - Want a travel kit based on your family vacation to California?  Or maybe a dream kit of Paris with touches of blue?  Maybe a kit based on your favorite color red?  Or maybe a back to school kit - ready to scrap memories of your childhood?  You choose! Feel free to look through my shop to get an idea of the types of kits I have created in the past - or challenge me and come up with something completely different!!

Required Entry: Leave me a comment on this post telling me what the theme of  your custom kit would be if you are lucky enough to win! (1 entry)

Additional Entries:
  • Follow Bursts of Creativity blog, current or new (1 entry)
  • Become a fan of my facebook page - Melissa Thiesse, current or new (1 entry)
  • Purchase something from my Etsy shop (2 entries - leave 2 comments - purchase must be made after this blog is posted - 6am EST Monday July 18th  - cannot get credit for previous purchases)
  • 1 entry for each of the following you to do to spread the word about this giveaway - tweet, blog, or facebook status (feel free to copy and paste a link)
** Leave a separate comment for EACH entry and your email address in one of the comments unless it is linked to your account. **

**Everyone is invited to enter the giveaway - this means you international readers!!**

Giveaway ends at 11:59 PM EST Thursday July 21, 2011. Giveaway is closed!



donna!ee said...

hiya melissa...congrats on your 500th etsy sale, are blessed indeed! i enjoy kits with either with a spiritual OR tropical OR blizzard theme, you have awesome variety in your shop! blest be :)

Susi said...

The theme of my kit would be Australia. I'm planning a trip to Australia but its still a ways off.

Carol Schiff Daily Painting said...

My theme would be European travel! I am off to your Etsy shop now and I am also your newest follower!

liberal sprinkles said...

Hi Melissa, congratulations on your shop sales! I would love a kit for Italy, France or Europe.
best wishes,

liberal sprinkles said...

I am a follower!

liberal sprinkles said...

i've tweeted the giveaway @liberalsprinkle

Neha Jain said...

already a follower

Neha Jain said...

liked the FB page

Neha Jain said...

posting on FB

TeenaBugg38 said...

Im a follower of both your blog and your facebook page!

Neha Jain said...

posting on sidebar as well

TeenaBugg38 said...

I'm not nearly as creative as the other ladies...I think I'd love ANYTHING from your store! I love all things vintage as well :) So I'm sure anything would

Anonymous said...

I am definitely a fb follower. Love a vintage collection or music theme
Lynda in calif

Anonymous said...

A happy blog follower too

Lynda in calif

addicted2shopping said...

East coast (usa)

Marly said...

Oh wow how wonderful! i would love a wedding package to make a great book for our wedding :D

email on account :D

Marly said...

Am a follower via GFC :D

email on account

Laura said...

I love browsing your shop. I would like a kit with all things tropical, especially vintage Florida.

laurie said...

i am already a follower (love your ideas) and have been a very satisfied customer in your shop. i would choose a travel theme if i were lucky enough to win this give-away.

DeeDee Catron said...

Yay for success!! Sure makes ya feel good, eh?? I love seeing what new finds you keep coming across! Reminds me what to keep an eye out for on my shopping trips!

If I won, I'd have to go with a "Numbers" theme.. I love anything and everything with numbers on it!

DeeDee Catron said...

Already a follower of your blog :)

DeeDee Catron said...

and of your facebook :)

QuilterLaura said...

How cool is this? I would love a group of items to use in my scrapbook about our trip to Alaska! I also LOVE vintage music and anything Northern Michigan! Good luck to all.

QuilterLaura said...

I am a follower!

Deborah said...

Great giveaway, a pink set would be fab!

Bee happy x
Have a delicious day!

Deborah said...

I am already a follower of your awesome blog!

Bee happy x
Have a delicious day!

Unknown said...

I think I would like a general travel themed kit or art-themed kit.

Unknown said...

I am a follower! Congrats on your 500th sale.

Decor To Adore said...

Wow! Congrats in your success!

I would adore a travel themed gift pack.

Please stop by and enter my giveaway too!

Tina said...

Hi Melissa: I am already a follower...I would LOVE a kit with my fave colors - yellow and red.

Tina said...

I have already liked you on facebook...A kit with vintage type papers would be awesome!

Tina said...


I also shared on Facebook....

AubreyLaine said...

My theme would be "Words!"
littlegray88 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
AubreyLaine said...

I follow you via GFC
littlegray88 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I follow your blog

Anonymous said...

I follow you on facebook.

Congrats on your etsy sales.

curlyqmosaics said...

500 sales! That is wonderful! Congrats on your huge success!

If I were to win, I am absolutely loving the bright colors in your collage packs. My husband is a huge Ireland lover, so I couldn't resist that either. Lastly, I make tons of calendars so anything and everything with numbers is an absolutely favorite for me!!!!

curlyqmosaics said...

I am a follower on your blog! Your kits are so inspiring!

curlyqmosaics said...

I am a part of your group on facebook too! I love following your "bursts of creativity." :)

MichelleB said...

I'd love a travel themed kit with lots of apple green, orange and turquoise in it! I'd use it for the book I want to make of our camping adventures. We just bought and are refinishing our first camper and I want to have a travel book that I keep in there to record things as we go.

MichelleB said...

I'm a blog follower!

MichelleB said...

I'm a FB fan/friend!

Myoriah said...

Congrats on 500th sale. I would love anything that is vintage music. Best of luck on hitting your 1000 sales.

Helen said...

Wow! Congrats on the success of your shop in such a short space of time! Awesome job! I would probably pick a travel themed (North America) pack or a Christmas-y themed pack, but then you have so many great packs....!

Helen said...

Just liked your facebook page!

Selena said...

Congrats on 500 sales! Not surprising, since your shop is so nice!
I'm planning a wedding scrapbook for my parent's 25th anniversary so a wedding kit with lots of roses would be perfect!
Thanks for the chance to win!

Selena said...

I'm a follower!

Lacey said...

I would love a kit that had to do with birds. If that is too challenging, I also have a Paris room in my home that can always use some new decor!

ArtfullyJune said...

I'm a follower!

Noreen said...

I think a kit on vintage Dime Store would be fun.

Esther Asbury said...

I'm a blog follower and enjoying it a lot!

Esther Asbury said...

I think a surprise package would be extra fun -- tags, tickets, photos, postcards....those collage packs look fun too!

Little Miss Hungry said...

I love California and have visited there 3 times in as many years. I'd love a Cali based kit - please and thank you! Recently found your blog and LOVE it!

massachuseats (at) gmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...

anything vintage

Lisa Fowler Windsor, CO said...

Hi Melissa,
I have been a follower for awhile. Love your blog and etsy shop!

Jessica Rodarte said...

I am a happy follower! :)

Jessica Rodarte said...

Oh- oops! I meant to tell you that I would love an ice cream themed kit! I hope this doesn't throw off your count... eeesh. Sorry about that!

Shooting Stars Mag said...

Congrats! I would love a Spain kit. A friend of mine will be going there for a whole year in a couple months, so it would be great to have.

lauren51990 at aol dot com

Lyndee @ A Recovering Craft Hoarder said...

Theme? We seem to move a lot so maybe a New Beginnings theme?

Lyndee @ A Recovering Craft Hoarder said...

Congratulations! Love your blog and am a loyal follower.

Emilie said...

What a fantastic giveaway!
Thank you for letting me enter.
If I win, I think I would love some kind of travel ephemera kit. European travel kit I think...

Emilie said...

I am already a follower of your wonderful blog...

Emilie said...

And I am also a follower of your Facebook page...

Emilie said...

I will link to your amazing giveaway on my own blog...

Happy Tuesday!

Ginny said...

That is hard, what to pick. I guess, I have 2 daughters so somethin girly & pink would be fun :)

Ginny said...

Follow on gfc

Ginny said...

like on facebook

Lisa Fowler Windsor, CO said...

Melissa--I put a link of your giveaway in the sidebar of my blog!

TheLastOfNine said...

Enjoy your blog and am already a follower.
Gloria H

TheLastOfNine said...

The kitI would love from you is a New York theme. Went last year and again next month, it would be just perfect.
Gloria H

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I can't wait to reach my 500th sale! My theme would be Germany. I miss being there. I am your newest follower. Feel free to follow my blog if you'd like! Hugs!

¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•`*SANDI

Katey said...

Congrats on the 500th!

Whitney said...

Congrats on 500 sales!

I would love any of these themes for a kit: Christmas, numbers, travel, or bright and fun colors.

Mindy said...

I would love a vintage game themed kit! Congrats on all the sales, and thanks for including us in your celebration.

Mindy said...

I follow you. :)

Whitney said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Whitney said...

I follow your blog!

Maryjean said...

Hi Melissa. Congratulations on the big 5 0 0! I have a great challenge. I want to make mini album for my quilting friends, so they can show off their beautiful handmade quilts. Quilting theme please.

Maryjean said...

I'm also a facebook follower

vacuummamma said...

Melissa, How exciting for you. I would LOVE to do another patriotic or school kit. I love all of your stuff, so it would be difficult to choose.... Best wishes... Karen

Cheryl Leong said...

Wow wow!! I'm always browsing your blog :)
I would love to have everything in vintage, I can't decide a theme.... Hmmm.... Make it more colorful.. Why don't a vintage travel theme?

Cheryl Leong said...

I'm a follower :D

TheVintageMouse said...

hello, congratulations on sale #500..My theme would be red and aqua

TheVintageMouse said...

and I'm your newest follower:o)

Singtatter said...

I would like tatted lace as the theme. Congratulations!

tallulah said...

I would like a victorian/steampunk/clockwork theme.

Carla said...

Congratulations on your 500th sale! If I were to win, I would love a travel/Las Vegas kit to work with. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Hey Melissa! I'd love South Pacific or R&H's! You've done a fantastic job for me when I requested custom kits from Ireland and know I'm both a repeat customer and a big fan!

Kristi Nazzaro said...

Congratulations on 500 sales! That's FANTASTIC! If I were to win I think I would like a vintage game theme - some monopoly, bingo boards with a sprinkle of playing cards. That would be so cool. :)

InfectiousSmile said...

If I were lucky enough to win I would love a Victorian themed custom kit :)

InfectiousSmile said...

I'm a fan on Facebook

InfectiousSmile said...

I'm following the blog

Barbara said...

Congrats on your 500th Etsy sale! I do a lot of theater, so I'd like a Cabaret theme, circa 1930's Nazi Germany Burlesque.

Karen said...

congrats melissa! i follow u on facebook and i check ur blog religiously for thrifty thursday updates. i am still drooling over ur london mini book (featured on craftgossip last week) and would love a british themed ephemera pack. thanks so much for ur generosity and best wishes to who wins the giveaway.

Michael said...

I would love to have a Paris themed kit. LOVE PARIS!!!!

Michael said...

Became a follower.


Michael said...

Became a fan on Facebook


Michael said...

Shared your link on facebook!
Would REALLY love to win this!.

pronominella said...

Woo hoo, congrats! Must feel amazing for you. I'd love a New York themed kit! x

pronominella(at) said...

I also shared this.

Michael said...

I just made a purchase in your store! I'll be back for more!

Maneki said...

Big congrats on your 500th sale!

Of cause I'd love a chance to win a custom kit. If I were lucky enough to win I'd like a cats and violets theme (two sweet things) or perhaps a theme based on the name of one of my blogs, Wild roses and blackberries. Hard to choose just one...

Maneki said...

I also follow your blog.

Alyssa said...

If I won, I would choose a winter woodsy theme to give to my best friend to help her decorate her upcoming wedding!!

jjocarlson said...

Hi Melissa congrats on 500 etsy sales. I am new to your blog and look forward to seeing more of your work. I would love a kit with a beach theme. We are a family who love the beach and like to go as often as possible.

Thanks for the opportunity

jjocarlson said...

I am a new follower to your facebook and posted your giveaway on my facebook.

desiree peterson said...

Wow! This is a very sweet giveaway! If I were so lucky, I would love anything, I'm sure! But, I love cats, vintage photography, and old books. Thanks so much!

desiree peterson said...

Am now following your blog!

desiree peterson said...

Thanks for doing this!

natasha said...

congrats! following!

Violet said...

These are really cool.
I'm terrible at picking so I would say London or sewing, Valentine's day!

Jasmine said...

Congrats on your 500th sale! Lucky us! I would love a school themed oldest starts kindergarten in the Fall and I would love to have some stuff to do up a mini album about his first days, his teacher and his classmates!

Jasmine said...

I'm a follower of your blog, have been for awhile!

Jasmine said...

I'm a fan of yours on Facebook too!

Deb Leech said...

Hi and congrats on your 500th sale. The theme of my kit would be Route 66 as I am an Ozzie and my husband I spent our honeymoon driving route 66 in 2008 - the best holiday ever! We are coming back in 2013!!! My work is all basded on vintage paper and I love what you do!!!! Cheers Deb (Tasmania, Australia)

Jo in NZ said...

Oh, hard choice. Toss up between Safari, and the London travel kit

kelly said...

I would love a Halloween theme kit, it is my absolute favorite holiday

Kelly said...

I like you on FB