Right now I'm working on getting a travel journal together for our Maine vacation. I am working on a few travel journal related posts(some great ideas, at least one tutorial, and some tips) - so be sure to check back for that on Monday!

All content, including text and photos are copyrighted and are property of the blog author, Melissa Thiesse. If you would like to feature one of my tutorials or posts please only post one photo and link back. Thank you!
so grateful you are recovering. know you are prayed for & appreciated, blest be :)
Hope you soon have renewed energy and can feel that creative spirit again. Wishing you the best ... and safe journeys this summer.
I'm glad you're back, Melissa. I enjoy reading your blog.
Welcome back! I am glad you are getting better and hope you continue on the upward climb.
You've been missed! Glad you are feeling better and can't wait to see the new projects!
I am glad to see you post! I am even happier to hear your health is improving. Hope you feel better.
Thx for the inspiration!
SO happy that you are back! Have totally missed you around the net.
feel better soon. I know what you going thur as I'm struggling with health issues myself and really zap my mojo. hope to see some new projects soon
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