If you haven't guessed it already - I LOVE to collect paper! All types of paper - new paper, scrapbook paper, vintage paper - postcards, text, game pieces - EVERYTHING! I have a whole room at the house FULL of paper. That's what my etsy shop is all about - sharing my love of collecting bits and pieces of everything paper related. So what do you have a chance to win?
Win a bundle pack of some of my favorite etsy shop ephemera packs: 60 piece variety ephemera pack, 60 piece world traveler ephemera pack, 10 vintage europe postcards, Tiny Ephemera Kit - A bit of this A bit of that, Tiny Ephemera Kit - Child's Play, and 50 vintage international postage stamps.
Required Entry: Leave me a comment on this post telling me something you love to collect. (1 entry)
Additional Entries:
- Follow Bursts of Creativity blog, current or new (1 entry)
- Become a fan of my facebook page - Melissa Thiesse, current or new (1 entry)
- Purchase something from my Etsy shop (2 entries)
- 1 entry for each of the following you to do to spread the word about this giveaway - tweet, blog, or facebook status (feel free to copy and paste a link)
Giveaway is now closed

1 – 200 of 323 Newer› Newest»I love to collect butterflies!
Love your blog.
Well, aside form papers (I think all crafters collect paper, lol) I love Disney snowglobes. Ariel is my absolute favourite.
I am a follower :)
Hi there. I collect lots of things, among them boxes and postcards.
I am already a follower.
Hi, I tweeted
Have a great week ahead!
hi. i absolutely love to collect notebooks. especially the cute one. haa hope ill win ! thank you Melissa !
p/s: i've followed and liked you !
I like to collect ribbons, and old pieces of jewellery. Love your blog!
I am now a follower.
I also became a fan of your FB page
I love to collect loads of things, I am a born hoarder, vintage linnens, cups, books, paper,.....
I follow your blog
and like you on facebook
I love to collect buttons :) Love your paper collections.
Bee happy x
Have a delicious day!
I am already a follower.
Bee happy x
Have a delicious day!
paper, paper, paper - it's the colours, textures, designs. . . paper makes me happy! (well it's one thing that makes me happy!
I love to collect zebra pics - they look so amazing and each one so different.
I am a follower :}
congratulations Melissa. . . 500 followers, quite an achievment!
I posted your Giveaway on my blog at:
congrats on your 500! I love to collect old picture frames. The older the better. 8>)
I am a follower.8>)
I'm a follower! I love to collect cameos. They're so elegant and feminine.
i collect books! i have so many of them - even when i give them away or loan them out, my bookshelves are still overflowing. i also collect paper and other fun stuff for my journals.
I colect buttons!!!! love your work thanks for the chance
hugs from Brazil
oh your giveaway looks awesome!
I love your blog...your thoughts and ideas are awesome. I love to collect old Coca Cola items, my kitchen is home to each and every find.
Congrats! I am one of your biggest "fans"..
I follow your blog!
Hi! I love your blog :) I love to collect vintage accessories.
I follow your facebook page :)
I love to collect craft things...now to use them instead of letting them sit :)
I collect ribbon
I just recently started following your blog...love the work you post! I also collect (too many crafty) things. The stuff I really accumulate is FABRIC, lately fat quarters. If it cute I simply can't resist buying it (or keeping old clothes because I love the fabric)!
I collect color! My daughter loves to ask me what my favorite color is. I can never answer. It changes all the time. I finally started telling her "Emma color" (her name), just to stump her. I love the color of the sky on a summer evening when you're driving home from a kids baseball game. It's the most intense blue, all shaded with orange at the bottom as the sun sets. I could go on but... So, I'm always trying to find this, and other colors to put in my house. Paper, ribbon, marbles, home decorations, fabric, flowers, etc.
and I follow your blog.
I collect only a few things---scraps, vintage fabrics and sewing notions, but my favorite collection is friends :-)
and now I am a facebook fan. ;)
and I posted a comment about your giveaway on FB. I'd really like to win this.
I am already a follower and...... like you, Melissa... I love PAPER. I think that paper is my favorite thing to "hoard" Collect sounds much nicer, though, huh?!
Your blog is one of my regular stops, your creativity is so inspiring and yes, I actually read your posts as well!
Have a great day and many congratulations on reaching 500 followers!
Wow, what don't I collect. French goodies, paper of course, glasses vases, candlesticks, frames, antique sewing cabinets (not on purpose but somehow I now have 5) and books. Lots and lots of books.
Also, yes, I am a follower and I Facebook like you.
And I did buy something from your store and I love it.
Congratulations on the 500 followers, that is amazing!
Love to collect paper, because it's pretty.
Love to collect bling, because it's shiny.
Love to collect brass cookie cutters, because their fun.
Congratulations again on all your followers.
I am happy to be one of them!
I love to collect pretty fabrics. I do intend to use them but I've got so many now that I'm needing to find more room for my growing collection!
Ha, ha! Does this count? My daughter left her fb open and I posted about the giveaway on hers. Now I've posted on mine as well.
Wow! Great giveaway.
{My email is on my blogger profile}
I collect ... umm everything?! I tend to collect containers, envelopes, and photos. I just hoard my papers and embellies and never use them ...
I am already a Follower of your blog.
New fan of your FB page - commented on your post about the giveaway.
I follow your blog!!
I am a fan of yours on facebook!!!
I love to collect anything paper too. I especially love vintage looking paper. Tags, tickets, postcards, etc. I collect mediums for scrapbook albums too. My husband metal cigar tins, boxes, etc. I would LOVE this to win these goodies from you!
I added your site to my blog!
I think that's how to post the link ... not sure! Eeep!
For some reason I like to collect vintage games. One day I think I'll actually use the pieces in my crafts.
I'm one of your followers. I figure if I follow long enought I'll use up a bit of my stash! ;)
I love to collect metal - pop cans, hardware, handles, knobs, meshes, grates, foils... MmmmmmmmmMmm - but paper is a close 2nd!!
Now following your FB too! Gotta love social media
Shared you.. would love for my scrappy friends to see your creativity!
I love to collect. . .compliments!
Love your blog! Thanks for the chance to win!!!
Following your blog now. Cant wait to get updates!
Found you on Facebook. Another shot to win! Yay!!!
And last but not least...shared your link on FB. Thanks for all the chances!!!
I collect sand and seashells from all of the beaches that we visit every summer!
You have some fantastic ideas, I'm a new follower of your blog!
I'm also following you on Facebook now too!
I love to collect scrapbook embellishments for future projects and empty picture frames to change up.
I am a follower, congrats on reaching 500 followers!
I collect stamps and rocks/sand/dirt (it's a long story, which started with my husband helping himself to some dirt when from an excavation site at Stonehenge).
I am a follower of your blog ;-)
I am a fan on facebook - now ;-)
I love to collect snowmen!
I am a follower!
I am a fan of your FB page!
Hey Melissa!
I love to collect old books, especially ones in languages other than English. I also have a pretty neat mermaid collection.
I am a fairly new follower.
I just bought something from your shop this weekend.
I collect books!
I Love to collect scrapbooking paper too!
Okay and now I am following your blog!
....And I also "liked" you on Facebook!
I collect a lot of things, but mainly dolls, especially Vogue Ginny dolls
I'm a follower on gfc
tweeted ~ momof2dancers
I'm a collector of paper and trinkets to use in "my vintage" cards and boxes. I am drawn to office paper, especially order and receipt forms. I love your blog.
congrats on your 500 followers!! WOW, What an accomplishment - I've loved your Week of Dollar Store Projects!! I love to collect all things to do with papercrafts - embellishments, especially!
I collect thimbles. Already a facebook fan and blog follower.
I'm a paper junkie too.. I just can't seem to pass by a nice piece of paper without thinking of all the things I could do with it!
New to your blog! Can't wait to go poke around and see what it's all about!!! I just hit 500 on my blog too and am getting ready to post a big giveaway this week too :)
I collect Scrapbook Supplies - no really, I do :) That should have been part of my last comment, LOL! I just "liked" you on Facebook too!
I collect dragons and not the cute type either lol, oh and papers and anything scrapbooky and I love boots
I love to collect Owls!
I follow the blog in Google Reader! :)
I'm a Facebook Fan!
I tweeted the giveaway! http://twitter.com/#!/liveteachcreate/status/44934311597711360
I'm also a paper addict.I have more than I'll ever need but would love to have an assortment like you have!
I just "liked" you FB page.
I am now a follower of your blog.
Oh my gosh, what an awesome giveaway! I love to collect Cormac McCarthy and John Steinbeck books. And I also love hording vintage ephemera, and vintage sewing notions, and craft supplies in general. LOL
I'm a faithful follower. :)
I "like" you on Facebook. :)
Things I love to collect? Absolutely anything vintage, anything with numbers and Dept 56 Krinkles! :)
Of course I am a follower! I love your style!
I'm a follower!!!!!
Congrats on the 500 followers!
I love to collect books!
I'm a new follower!
I just stumbled onto your blog and i love it! Your About Me page is delightful! I "get" you, believe me! I love collecting PAPER. Any kind of paper...
any little bits are helpful to the crafter! thanks for the chance.
I just found your blog! I also love paper of all sorts - old, new you name it!
I'm now a follower of your blog. :)
I'm a fan of your FACEBOOK Page! :)
i love to collect lot of things.. pricetag of my dresses, bills, paper.... to name a few!
i follow u
I'm already a follower!
I collect doodle books and nativity scenes ( but I didn't really mean too!)
I collect rocks and shells. Guess I'm a kid at heart. LOL
frugalmomof9 (at) yahoo (dot) com
I'm a follower!
frugalmomof9 (at) yahoo (dot) com
pick me! pick me!
I collect odd pots/containers that I can put plants in! I find things in people's dumpsters, in the alley ways, garage sales, etc.
I also collect craft crap... because shoot, it's addicting.
AND I'm following your blog AND FB page now. (1 entry each?)
I am a follower!
I think the question should be What DON'T I collect. I love papers, teddy bears, tinkerbell, nativity scenes, inks, stamps, you name it I collect it!! Thanks for your blog. I try to read it evey day, don't always have time to comment, but love it.
Oh, this is a wonderful giveaway! I'm love to collect both this and that... and I have a really hard time throwing things away. Lately I seem to be collecting everything having a texture, and therefore being useful when painting and doing mixed-media projects with a texture. :) My e-mail: zoegakatten(at)yahoo(dot)se
I am a follower :D
I love to collect owls!
I used to collect tea sets, but I really don't collect much other than art supplies.
I bought lots of goodies from your Etsy store. I can't wait to get them!
I collect old coins. Thanks for the chance, I love the giveaway
I am a follower =)
I collect coins from various countries and some decorative ones! :)
What a great pack of stuff! I'm your 550th follower!
I like your facebook page
I love collecting all things scrapbooking!! :)))
I love collecting vintage jewelry and flamingos.
And I liked you on FB...
And I'm a follower. :)
I have a collection of office supplies. I can't help myself from buying new pens and post its and notebooks.
I follow your blog
Paper! Paper! Paper! I just can't get enough :)
I am now a follower! Yay! Love your blog and look forward to all the good stuff here :)
I liked you on facebook!
I love to collect cookbooks. Scrapbooking and cooking, the two best things in the world.
I love collecting Barbies :)
I love to collect unique buttons. You never know when an awesome button will come in handy on a project! Totally love your blog
I am a follower.
I collect too many things! Paper, buttons, emphemera, beads, fibers.
Thanks for the chance to win.
Hmm.... Shoes, Snowglobes, Silverware, Rubber Duckies, Eclectic Dishware, ExBoyfriends :)
I love collecting things in every color (lots of rainbows in my supply) & vintage labels.
I'm now a follower of your blog!
I am kind of collecting paper napkins for my art! But I also collect coin, I love to see the different design on them...
I am a new follwer!
Just 'like' you on facebook (sabine N)
Just tweet it (@sybillinart)
I love to collect collections, I have several different collection obsessions...lol
I'm a facebook fan
How exciting is that. 500 is a big number if you ask me. I don't even know if I could fathom the idea of it.
I do love checking back in every now and then. (I actually have you in my G Reader under a file called 10-4 Copy That!) Just a little humor. :)
Cheers to the numbers continuing to climb. All due to the wonderful ideas and thoughts you have :)
I just stumbled on to your blog and love it. I collect fairies...have done for years.
I collect fabric and ribbons. Congrats on the big 500!
i love collecting vintage magazines! :)
I like to collect clocks and notebooks :D
I love to collect fabric.
lag110 at mchsi dot com
I am a new follower of your blog.
lag110 at mchsi dot com
Love the Dollar Store ideas! I'm a new follower and love paper and seashells!
I became a fan of your FB page: Lisa Holmes Garrett
lag110 at mchsi dot com
I collect tiny teapots. Your blog is awesome! Thanks for the chance to win this.
I love to collect notebooks! Pretty notebooks with gorgeous covers, notebooks from places I visit, notebooks from people I love. Boxes and boxes of untouched notebooks, because they are way too precious to use up!
WOW! jUST found your blog via Craft Gossip! LOVE it! I collect paper too! :-)
I am a follower!!! :-)
I am a new Facebook fan!
I love to collect unusual buttons
I tweeted!!!
I blogged!
I love to collect ideas and inspiration. This is my first time on your blog -what lovely things!
i love making all kinds of crafts every day i look for new things to make or do looking forward to tomorrow thanks
I collect little notecards...
I'm a new follower on your blog :-)
I "like" you on FB
User: Tracy Cornell
I love to collect postcards and cardboard coasters.
I am a new follower
You are a hoot! I collect all kinds of paper things too in hopes of putting them in scrapbooks where they belong. Unfortunately, they are piling up but I love to empty a box and just sift through them remembering why they are there.
BTW, I grew up just down the road from where you are living. It's a small world....
Shared on FB
User: Tracy Cornell
Check out this giveaway for Melissa Thiesse's 500th follower (Blog) http://bit.ly/i1xezr
via @BragginBath
Shared on LinkedIn:
User: Tracy Cornell
I am a new follower on your blog! madamekanata at gmail
What don't I collect would probably be an easier question. I'll narrow it down to Buddhas :)
I love to collect old postcards. I think everything is interesting about them, including the message,stamp, and postmark if they've been used.
And now I am a follower.
And a FB fan.
i am now a follower! :)
I am a sticker hoarder. I buy them all the time, on sale, on clearance, full price, big, small, glittery, thick, shiny, raised, velvet, you name it. I love stickers!!
I am a facebook fan too
Gwen babb Parmer
I collect paper, emphemera from little things like tags from clothes, tickets, etc...always something that catches my eye that might be useful!
tweeted here: http://twitter.com/#!/gwenstella/status/45479396840194048
love buterflies
I love to collect vintage lace!!
I am a follower!
I liked you on FB
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