So I thought what I needed was a month of creativity - turns out what I really needed was a break. As you might have guessed by now I didn't finish my month of creativity project - I barely even started it. Last month was just a crazy month - a lot going on - some good - some not so good - the perfect time to take a break. But I'm back! And I'm so excited its October - its my favorite month! It's the beginning of fall, the month of my wedding anniversary, usually includes a trip to mountains - oh and Caramel Apple Spice at Starbucks! (hmmm is it sad that I get excited about a drink?). Anyways I finally made my way back to the studio after a long month of not even opening the door. Next week I will be back with a week of Halloween Tags.
You can see the ones I did last year here.
And completely unrelated - I am completely addicted to Pinterest!
You can follow my boards here. Feel free to send me a message or leave a comment with your boards so I can follow you too!
I will see you back here Monday!!
glad your back
Soooo glad your back! Missed you.
I was worried about you!!! Glad to "see" you again.
So glad you're back! I've missed your cheery creativity!
Pinterest is the devil...haha
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