This past week just flew by and I never made it back to the blog as I intended to. Lately I have been working hard to get everything ready for class kickoff on November 21st. Expect my new classes to be really heavy on this:

The slice... man I LOVE this thing! If you are taking any of my classes next quarter expect to have lots of cute little slice die cuts. Speaking of which I spent tonight cutting out snowflakes for my Holiday ATC class on Monday in the West End:

cute huh? I cut them out of a book I bought at Goodwill. They aren't acid free but they are cool and vintagy and perfect for ATCs. And then as I was cutting I thought. HEY! I could cut these in 4 inches and string them up somehow and use them for decoration.... so that is an idea I'm going to try to store in my head for when Christmas comes closer. And then I also want to play around with the piece of paper leftover:

How cool would these be if you sprayed them with glimmer mist and put them on a scrapbook page? Another idea to try....
And finally I've been slowly packing for the big move to our new house. We close next Friday!

I hope to make it back to the blog sometime this week. But next week expect sneak peeks of the new classes. And if you live in Richmond mark your calendars for class kick off on Saturday November 21st!!