Friday, October 29, 2010

A Quick Tag and Weekend Plans

You know what the great thing about taking classes is? You are probably thinking - the wonderful teachers, the inspiration, the fantastic projects, etc - well sure those too BUT ALSO - scraps! I made this tag with the leftover scraps from last night's What Matter's Most Series at Memories Galore (and for you non MG readers - the Basic Grey Oct Page kit of the month).And for my weekend plans I hope to clean and organize my scrapbook stuff:I'm sure you are looking at the picture and thinking - wow that is a mess BUT it's not that much stuff - I bet you could clean it up fast - ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha - that's JUST my dining room - the bigger project is my actual craft room:Yeah it's not looking so good is it? And yes that's a giant box FULL of ribbon sitting in the middle of the room - that's going to be a blast organizing! And at some point I hope to get around to these - the pile of printer's trays I picked up last weekend!


Becky said...

Dang it, you and those tags! I MUST MAKE ONE THIS WEEKEND! Lol! I just love them! You're dining and craft rooms look just beautiful to me!

Mary Pat Siehl said...

great tag! have fun organizing. i love to organize my stuff!

Tracy said...

You are the tag Queen :)
Whats wrong with your room you can see the floor teehee.

Sue Althouse said...

You are the Tag Queen! Love this latest one, and how you've used the tags in your blog title!

. said...

I LOVE this one!! I think this is my favorite!!! :)

PinkPug,INK. said...

wow & i thought my desk was bad! actually i was able to kinda clean it up yesterday & managed to make a few tags. i'll take pics & leave you a link so you can see what you started! :)

Anonymous said...

Um...I hope it's OK if I show my husband your mess in hopes that he sees that my mess is only as big as the one in your dining room! LOL. Great tag!

Anonymous said...

Um...I hope it's OK if I show my husband your mess in hopes that he sees that my mess is only as big as the one in your dining room! LOL. Great tag!

Anonymous said...

I have the overwhelming urge to organize your stuff!!!!!!!!!!!

Kelly Roberts said...

i really like that flower! very nice work!

Erin said...

OMG! I totally have a twin to your ribbon drawer! I think it is even in about the same spot in my
I have decided to sort by color in dollar store vases (like Stacy Julian)...just sort by color and stuff it in vases...or trashcans? lol Good will more than likely find lots of scraps to make tags!

Haley D. said...

Love it! I'm really glad to see that I'm not the only one with a messy dining room table AND craft room. I need to get to work! Thanks for the inspiration.

very merry vintage style said...

Too funny... my room has "those days" too. At least you are having fun and the room is truly being used. I love your ribbon project. Seems to take up less room than the rolls and make everything easier to find. I'm going to file this project under "Snow Day"