Monday, February 28, 2011

Week of Dollar Store Projects - Mini Album

Today starts a week of projects and tutorials on my blog featuring items I found at the dollar store. Like I have said before I enjoy finding cheap items and turning them into something crafty. Today I am going to start with something a little familiar - it's a little like the book I made last October from a children's book I found in the Target dollar spot.
I started this project with a pack of Elmo chipboard books from the Dollar Tree. Where a normal person might see these as just children's books I get excited and see "cheap precut chipboard"!1. Take the book apart by cutting the pages with a craft knife. I cut both books up and ended up using 6 pages. Note: you could leave the book together and just cover in paper and add photos - however if you take it apart you can add extra pages and the book will sit flatter when you add photos.
2. Sand down the rough edge
3. Measure the size of your pages and cut paper to that size - these were 4x4
4. Adhere the paper to the chipboard pages. I used a UHUstic because I find that to be the strongest glue stick out there but any adhesive will work. I go over the top of it with a Basic Grey rubon tool (or bone folder) to make sure the paper is stuck on really well.
5. Trim off any excess paper and sand down the edges to make them smooth.
6. I used a blending tool and rusty hinge distress ink to ink the edges of all my pages. This helped the chipboard edges blend in a bit better.
7. Using a doily (I found this one from the cake decorating section of my local craft store - the dollar store did have some larger ones though) I changed the color by blending the rusty hinge ink over it. I made a couple of these and used them throughout the book.
8. Punch holes and set eyelets in the holes. Decorate the book and add photos! I added 3.5x3.5 mats throughout the book alternating with doilies. Unfortunately my photo printer at home ran out of ink so I haven't been able to add the photos yet!

Be sure to check back every day this week for more projects featuring dollar store finds. If you aren't already I would love for you to become a follower of my blog or facebook page! (see link on right side of my blog!) I will be doing a giveaway when I reach 500 google followers (I'm so close!). And be sure to visit my Etsy shop here.


This post is linked here:
handmade projectsThe Girl Creativemmm buttonMakingPhotobucketKeeping It Simple


raggygirlvintage said...

What a neat and thrifty idea, I look forward to seeing your other projects!

Tere Azua said...

Love this idea. I'll be visiting your blog for more ideas!

Fran said...

This is fabulous, I just stated an album using these same OA papers and a board book my kids had just about destroyed, hahaha! Your travel journals inspired me to try this out and finally scrap some holiday photos.

papertrails leaver said...

Love converting these books! Yours is super cute! The usty hinge ink is so pretty on the doily! :-). Amy

Beansieleigh said...

Oh my gosh, Melissa! This is such a great idea! I'm new to scrapbooking, but LOVE it!.. and this idea will come in handy someday, I'm SURE! Thanks! ~tina

TheLastOfNine said...

Great idea and love the colors you chose.

That Crazy Ajumma said...

Very cute idea!!I must try this.
I am always on the lookout for cheap chipboard.

Cheryl Gaffney said...

Adorable project!! I have young readers that are out of all their board books... I may have to raid the bookcases for supplies!! :)

Thanks for the tip, I'll be back for my thrifty ideas!!

Cheryl @

hilde janbroers said...

love it:-))

Deborah said...

Great idea!

Yaneri said...

Awesome idea!! Very creative!!

Yaneri said...

Love this idea! Thanks!

Alyss said...

This is genius! You're so thrifty and creative!

Ei8ht Beach Street said...

Love love love your albums, so cute. And thanks for the answer to my email, I appreciate it.

robindefender said...

Cute little book!

Katherine said...

Looks fabulous! I need to keep that idea in mind next time I'm in the Dollar Store!

Caroline Hallett said...

yet again another brilliant idea, thanks for the inspiration and the tutorial

Erin @ Two More Seconds said...

This is so smart! Love the finished book, so pretty!

Leah's Crafty Life said...

well shooot.. never thought of that uber terrific chippy board as altering material.. i don't get to the dollar store often, but thanks to you I'm headed there this week :) Great blog post!

Ginia said...

WoW! What a great idea. Thanks for sharing!

Sybilline said...

I would never thought of recycling the kids book like that; that's genious! Thanks for sharing!

Jenn @ Peas and Crayons said...

those books make such a great template for your chic little craft album! I love it!

Jenn @ Peas & Crayons

Lyssa Beth said...

That's so awesome that you transformed an elmo book into that! I love it! I am your newest follower!
I just started a "scrapbook sundays" party over on my blog, born-again crafter. I would love for you to join! It's anything scrapbook related!

Jenn said...

Love your album! I've done one of those before too - so fun! Looking forward to your other dollar store crafts! ;)

Unknown said...

What a great idea! I love Dollar Store crafts... seems to be where my budget is lately. =] New follower! Can't wait for more!

Deborah said...

I love this idea, so cute!

Bee happy x

abeachcottage said...

Very cute idea! Thanks for the tutorial. Love the design of this mini album, very nice.

myriahmae said...

LOVE IT!!! I love crafty creative projects and I love a good bargain even more! I'm new to your blog but love what I see! Come over and check mine out Nice to meet you! (in a blogland sort of way, haha)

DIY Party Mom said...

Great idea! I love that you saw something else in a simple dollar store find. I wish I could see more potential in every day things. It's a talent. Thanks for sharing yours.

Jennifer said...

This is really pretty! Nice job!!!

The Autocrat: Haley said...

Oh such a great idea!!!

memakingdo said...

What a great idea! I featured this today at Me Making Do!

Six of Us said...

This is brilliant! I have a few old books that I was going to throw away, but I'll just make these albums instead. love Love LOVE this!

Elizabeth said...

Brilliant! And to think I just passed up a bunch at the Target dollar spot. meh!

Vicki Smith said...

Very clever!

Sascha said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sascha said...

Crud! I accidentally deleted my first comment!

I just ran across this, and I LOVE it! I wish I would have thought of this myself! I love the dollar stores!