I like how it turned out - it will look a lot better once I take the time to put stuff on it and put some stuff on the wall around it. I hated those cork tiles I used to have - I do NOT recommend them! They were crumbly and the little squares they came with wouldn't stick to them so they would keep falling - of course the squares stuck to the wall a little too good and now I have horrible little squares left on my wall. I got the majority of the adhesive off but there is like a small layer of adhesive left - any idea how to get that off???
I also wanted to show you what I did with the other gumball machine. I filled it with ribbon bits:
And remember to check out my studio destash sale in my etsy shop here - I added more die cuts
This post is linked here:

Very cute! I love the idea of using yard sticks as a border for a cork board! I'm wanting to do some decorating/organizing of my sewing room too...thanks for the cute ideas!
Love, Love, LOVE the gum ball machines! TOO stinking cute!
Cute! Have you tried Goo Gone? or WD40? Hope this helps.
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