I hung out at Linda's house today and she had planned a super cute Fall craft for us. We made Halloween broom decorations for our front doors. Seriously adorable, she is super creative and crafty! Here are our brooms (mine is the one on the right)
Linda made hers out of My Mind's Eye papers:
And I used my absolute favorite papers: Making Memories Spook Alley:
And I'm sure Linda would be surprised to learn that I hung mine on my door as soon as I got home:
And you should definately check out Linda's blog, she most recently took paper and modge podged a purse...yeah she's that crafty: http://diaryofacraftaholic.blogspot.com/

And I used my absolute favorite papers: Making Memories Spook Alley:
You're awesome Melissa! Thanks for the plug. And I'm not surprised you hung it up right away, it's too cute not to!! They turned out awesome!! Thanks for coming and playing! we'll def have to do it again!
Hey Melissa, I just nominated you for One Lovely Blog award. Check out my blog for your nomination...
yours is really cute too!
now I definitly want to make one :)
This is sooo cool. I love it. I also love that you put your "Welcome" directly on your door.
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