Monday, October 18, 2010

Our Anniversary

Last week was our 3 year wedding anniversary. Since I was in a tag making mood (with all those Halloween tags) I made a tag to go on the present I got my husband:

I know its really girly and cutesy and I'm sure he was thinking "what am I supposed to do with this?" But I like it and it was an excuse to make something!

This post is linked here:



Michele's Scrapy Creations said...

love the color! what the papers you use?

Melissa said...

Thanks! - It's Pink Paislee Parisian Anthology - but the color is from a couple different colors of glimmer mist (mostly different blue hues)

Tracy said...

Very pretty.

Steph said...

Beautiful tag. Love the ribbon.

Anonymous said...

That tag is sooo purdy! I love the colors.

Unknown said...

Very pretty! I love the colors and the quote!

Larajc said...

wonderful tag! He probably will think to himself...on next birthday/anniversary...hmmm, wonder where she got that fabulous tag last year? Wonder where I can get one?

Kim said...

Wow Melissa...thanks for stopping by to see me. I love your work! I'm a follower now! LOL! Oh, and Happy Anniversary!