Happy Christmas Eve! I absolutely LOVE Christmas Eve. (perhaps more than Christmas itself!) Dustin and I are down in North Carolina spending the holidays with my family and tonight my mom will be having her big Christmas Eve party (like she does every year). It's a lot of fun and we all look forward to it all year. I love this time of year because my cousins and aunts and uncles all come down and we spend the time catching up, laughing and playing board games - oh yeah we are HUGE board game players! haha! In the spirit of Christmas I wanted to share with you some of my favorite Christmas photos (if you are a
facebook fan you have already seen some of these). I realize you out in blogland may or may not care about my personal pictures but I'm sharing them anyways! Ha! Hope everyone enjoys their Christmas Eve and Have a Very Merry Christmas!
This photo is my first trip to Santa:

This photo is from 2001 - its my grandparents with all their grandchildren (at the time). That's me in the red striped sweater. I love that only Danielle and I are looking at the camera!

I am so grateful my parents decided to take this photo: oh yeah that's middle school me in the giant glasses and headgear - why why why didn't I just take the headgear off? And Danielle is looking particularly cool as well!

This photo is of Dustin and our first Christmas tree in our first apartment together. That apartment was so tiny! - see the kitchen/dining room/laundry room?:

I love this photo because Danielle (my sister) is one of my favorite people:

I LOVE this photo - it's from a week ago - it's my nephew Jarmon - isn't he adorable!

And I love that I have photos like this - the baby in the photo is my father - I'm just grateful that I have photos of my father and my family (and that I took the time to scan them!)

And now you know more about me then you ever wanted to! If this is your first time to my blog - Welcome! I would love for you to become a follower of my blog or my facebook page!(see link on right side of my blog!) Have a wonderful Christmas!
Merry Christmas to you! Thank you for sharing those cute pictures!!
Enjoy your family! They are the real present during these holidays!
Hope you had a great Christmas. Fun pictures.
Hee, I love this--too funny! Great memories--scrapbook layout idea??
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